We want your feedback

We always want your feedback.  We want to make the club Milwaukee table tennis club your table tennis home.  Let us know what you would like to see from MTTC.  Email us at Milwaukeettc@gmail.com.  


Players take note, due to the holiday we have limited operating hours through the end of 2017. OPEN: Wednesday 12/20, Shorewood, 6:30-9:30 Saturday 12/30, West Allis, 10-4 We will be back to normal operating days and hours starting on Wednesday January 3 in Shorewood. Have a great holiday season, and Read more…

2017 Butterfly Badger Open Update

The Butterfly Badger Open is coming up quickly. It is on September 15th, 16th and 17th.  Registration for events is open until September 8th.  You can sign-up through Omnipong.com.  For more information on the tournament, venue, accomodations, and other information check out badgeropen.com. Sign up today! If you are not interested Read more…